
Surface 和 Assess Cloud Risks in Real Time

Surface 和 Assess Cloud Risks in Real Time

It’s common to be overwhelmed with a large volume of threat signals from various resources, making it hard to identify true risks 和 act on them in a timely fashion.

InsightCloudSec enables up-to-the minute cloud risk assessment by providing full context across the infrastructure, orchestration, 工作负载, 和 data tiers.


Consumer privacy (or the lack thereof) is a huge societal concern 和 the focus on protecting privacy is manifesting itself through many forms, including the use of cloud services. 与, it is common to be overwhelmed with a large volume of threat signals from numerous resources, making it harder to identify true risks 和 act on them in a timely fashion.

Despite increased regulations, data breaches continue to grow, 和 now more than ever, companies are under increasing pressure to make appropriate investments to ensure that consumer data is protected as they scale 和 expand their cloud footprint.

InsightCloudSec delivers a unified approach to monitoring 和 responding to breaches 和 threats to your cloud accounts 和 工作负载s across multiple clouds, 和 makes it easy to implement automation that reduces remediation 和 recovery time.

InsightCloudSec forms the strategy that allows organizations to both embrace public cloud for innovation 和 to do so at speed 和 scale, all while maintaining continuous security, 控制, 和 compliance.