安全这 .Edu,你可以保护任何人


It’s the vaunted 和 very complicated 诺威奇大学: America’s first private senior military college that develops the nation’s commissioned officers. 

Norwich has a Center for AI, 和 another for Cybersecurity 和 Forensics 教育 和 Research. The school is recognized as a Center of Excellence by the National Security Agency 和 首页l和 Security. It’s the birthplace of the Reserve Officers' 培训 Corps (ROTC), 国家安全项目, 网络安全, 以及联合特种作战大学.

As schools go, it’s fair to say this one has off-the-charts sophistication 和 st和ards. 

More than 3,400 students 和 about 1,000 staff call 诺威奇大学 home. Their small security team is tasked with managing a sprawling ecosystem that includes many student systems that they have little control over. 

Faculty 和 students have virtual free reign to explore topics 和 websites that would be blocked by most organizations – like weapons intelligence 和 offensive 网络安全 tools. This community can 和 should learn by traveling to dark, crime-infested corners of the internet. 他们应该去一些粗略的网站. They should underst和 dark web marketplaces 和 malware.  

“We can only have so much insight on what students do,诺亚·比内特说, 诺维奇的安全分析师. “We try to be very proactive with staff 和 faculty because they’re employees of the university, 我们尽量在学生身上进行报道. 但不可避免, something will slip through the cracks just because of who 和 how big that population is.”

About a year ago, Norwich was struggling with the ever-increasing cost of securing itself.

根据Binette, 急流打破了旧的, stubborn tradeoffs between money 和 investigative certainty when things are so complex:

We can ingest all this log data now for one price. We can do investigations 和 discovery 和 dig wherever we need to. 之前, we had to pick 和 choose – you would look at what you got when you opened the box, 从那里开始必须小心翼翼地航行. 感觉很有限. Rapid7 is more comprehensive, with more visibility, context, 和 details.

The Norwich security team relies on Rapid7’s integrated, 直观的, AI-powered platform of solutions that continuously learn 和 adapt. They’ve been InsightVM customer for many years. 

When it came time to replace Norwich’s SIEM 和 MSSP service, the team evaluated several options. They added Rapid7’s elite MDR service – pg电子 – in 2023 和 威胁命令 in 2024, which Binette describes as “incredibly useful 和 enlightening.”

pg电子: “Because we can’t work 24 hours a day, seven days a week.”

Chip Bacon is Norwich’s Associate Vice-President for Information Security 和 CISO. He says his evaluation of 24/7 managed service providers started where everyone’s does: humans sleep. 

The school’s first MDR service was small 和 limited with off-hours coverage. 当警报弹出时, there was often a fair bit of delay between the event occurring 和 the team being alerted. If something happened on a Friday, the team might not find out about it until Monday. And that’s a big problem if someone enters your systems. “The response times that we’ve seen from Rapid7 have been just a huge breath of fresh air,培根说.

The last time Rapid 7’s MDR spotted a problem, Bacon received an email within 10 minutes 和 a call to his cell phone within 15. Of course, Rapid7 had already knocked the offending system offline.

它们都被隔离了. And that’s exactly the kind of thing we were looking for. 如果下班后发生了什么事, they will quarantine it so we can deal with it on Monday, or we’re going to get a phone call anyway at home on a cell phone. 我们知道发生了什么. 我们的能见度越来越高.
- Chip Bacon, Associate Vice-President for Information Security & CISO

Is 诺威奇大学 a challenging school attack surface to secure? 是的. And it’s hard to think of anything more important than protecting educational institutions like Norwich. They not only develop the nation’s future Generals 和 Admirals, but also the next generation of cyber warriors, 工程师, 护士, 老师, 商业领袖. For the students to live by the Norwich motto  – “I Will Try!” – we need to set them free, 和 keep them safe so that they can go far, go further, 和 go beyond. Rapid7就是为此而存在的.